Dr Guero

Dr Guero or Dr Gero is Masahiko Yamaguchi and he has done some amazing work on robots over the years

He purchased a pre-made Kondo robot kit, a KHR 3HV ($1800) and modified it to have amazing walking ability with software.

His main difference is the way it walks. It uses a “heel to toe” walking style unlike most metal robots which walk flat footed with bent knees.

Dr Gueros name comes from his wife as a tribute to his favorite Japanese show Dragon Z where Dr Guero is an evil scientist.

Dr Guero has previously worked at Osake University, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and technology and even at Boston Dynamics for a time.

This is his Youtube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/DrGuero2001/videos

He has several videos on Youtube which are pretty incredible. This one is where the modified KHR robot is dancing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6ss9Qx-FjM