The amazing Elvis head and monkey head from Wowwee are amazing feats of toy animatronics or basic robotics!
Many hobbyist robotocists have altered the Elvis head into much more than anyone could dream possible. Most strip off everything Elvis and just use the moving eyes and eybrow and mouth and neck movements and add new electronics and an Arduion board plus software.
Lets look at some of that here.
Elvis heads are usually selling on Ebay in 2021 for $400 to $60US in a box or $200 in fair shape.
This is the Cricket doll which has a tape recorder in its back which plays special audio tapes with songs and talking on the right sound track and unusual spounds that make the dolls eyes and mouth move on the other side.
It is no related to the Elvis head but it dow do similar things that the Gorilla head does.
Some hacker types have rigged up a Raspberry pi with specially created audio tapes o their own to see how they work out t the Forks.